In 1975, the AWS Committee on Marine Construction requested the Subcommittee on Underwater Welding to establish a standard reflecting state-of-the-art technology relative to underwater welding. The first edition of the code was published in 1983, with subsequent editions issued in 1989, 1993, 1999, and 2010. Clauses 1 through 8 constitute the general requirements applicable to all classes of underwater welds. Clauses 9 through 11 contain unique requirements applicable to each class. Initially applied as a means of temporary repair for damaged steel-hulled vessels, underwater welding has evolved into an accepted method of construction and repair of engineered structures. Applications now include engineered repair and alteration of off-shore structures, submerged marine pipelines, underwater port facilities and nuclear power plant components. This 6th edition incorporates the following major revisions: (1) Cleaning requirements have been better defined (5.11) (2) Acceptance of qualification to earlier editions of D3.6M is incorporated (7.1.3) (3) Ultrasonic Examination Clause 8, Part IV, has been updated to better align with the UT technique described in AWS D1.1/D1.1M, Structural Welding Code—Steel (4) Sample Forms have been revised (Annex A) (5) An informative annex has been added to address the qualification of marine welding inspectors (Annex E) (6) There is a restructuring of the clause numbers (7) Ultrasonic Stress Relieving has been added to the document (Terms and Definitions, Workmanship, Welding Variables, and Annex C)