This timely revision keeps pace with the fast-moving field of geosynthetics by updating coverage to include the latest materials and design techniques. Author Robert M. Koerner examines all types of geosynthetics-geotextiles, geogrids, geonets, geomembranes, and geocomposites with an emphasis on design-by-function. Designing with Geosynthetics, Third Edition includes theory and techniques of chemical analysis for identification of polymer types and properties; introduces chemical analysis from an engineer's perspective to give readers an understandable and useful foundation; devotes an entire chapter to geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs), which includes the most recent subset of geosynthetics and the only treatment of GLCs available today; features a new chapter on geopipe (i.e., plastic pipe) as an orientation to this important topic; updates the Product Reference Guide provided by the Industrial Fabrics Association International; contains the most recent survey of geosynthetic products and their associated properties; adds 100 new problems covering a wide range of applications, including geotextile wall design, geogrid wall design, geomembrane side slope design, and GCL hydraulic barrier design; illustrates all major uses of geosynthetics with descriptive and numeric analyses through worked examples.