کتاب Analyses of stability and support design for a diversion tunnel at the Kapikaya dam site, Turkey
Analyses of stability and support design for a diversion tunnel at the Kapikaya dam site, Turkey
Zulfu Gurocak
تعداد صفحه:
زبان نوشتار:
سال انتشار:
۸ January ۲۰۱۰
معرفی کتاب Analyses of stability and support design for a diversion tunnel at the Kapikaya dam site, Turkey
Determination of the safest and most economical support system for underground structures is very important hence the design usually involves the use of both empirical and numerical approaches. Empirical methods are generally preferred by engineers and engineering geologists; the rock mass rating (RMR), rock mass index (RMi) and Q rock mass classification systems have been employed by many workers and have gained a universal acceptance (Barton 2002; Ramamurthy 2004; Hoek and Diederichs 2006). These rock mass classification systems were originally obtained from many tunneling case studies. However, they do not provide the stress distributions and deformations around the tunnel. These aspects therefore need special attention when empirical methods are used and the appropriate information must be obtained from field observations. Numerical approaches are dependent on the strength parameters of the rock masses. Consequently the stability analysis of a tunnel is likely to result in a safer and more economical design if a combination of empirical and numerical approaches is used.