کتاب A Policy On Geometric Design Of Highways And Streets
A Policy On Geometric Design Of Highways And Streets
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معرفی کتاب A Policy On Geometric Design Of Highways And Streets
This Policy was developed as part of the continuing work of the Standing Committee on Highways. The Committee, then titled the Committee on Planning and Design Policies, was established in 1937 to formulate and recommend highway engineering policies. This Committee has developed A Policy on Geometric Design of Rural Highways, 1954 and 1965 editions; A Policy on Arterial Highways in Urban Areas, 1957; A Policy on Design of Urban Highways and Arterial Streets, 1973; Geometric Design Standards for Highways Other Than Freeways, 1969; A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 1984, 1990, and 1994; A Policy on Design Standards—Interstate System, 1956, 1967, and 1991; and a number of other AASHO and AASHTO policy and “guide” publications. An AASHTO publication is typically developed through the following steps: (1) The Committee selects subjects and broad outlines of material to be covered. (2) The appropriate subcommittee and its task forces, in this case, the Subcommittee on Design and its Task Force on Geometric Design, assemble and analyze relevant data and prepare a tentative draft. Working meetings are held and revised drafts are prepared, as necessary, and reviewed by the Subcommittee, until agreement is reached. (3) The manuscript is then submitted for approval by the Standing Committee on Highways and then the Executive Committee. Standards and policies must be adopted by a two-thirds vote by the Member Departments before publication. During the developmental process, comments are sought and considered from all the states, the Federal Highway Administration, and representatives of the American Public Works Association, the National Association of County Engineers, the National League of Cities, and other interested parties.